The Lake Quintett have ruled the Crater prides for the last few years, with other males unable to get a look in.
The Lake Quintett have ruled the Crater prides for the last few years, with other males unable to get a look in.

The Lake Quintett have ruled the Crater prides for the last few years, with other males unable to get a look in.

Up to now the hard work of the KopeLion team has paid off and resulted in having no lions lost this year to retaliatory or traditional hunts…but the toughest work, this December, is still to come.

It has been a long hard year, with some sad memories that we wish we could wipe from 2021, and our minds, but a year also filled with many celebrations, learnings, and the growth of our team in both size and capacity.

While we wait for the year to close, coexistence between people and lions is at its most challenging in Ndutu, with little rain in Northern Tanzania and many pastoralists and their livestock dependent on the area.

Because we believe that coexisting and cohabiting with wildlife is our future, the KopeLion team are working through Christmas and the New Year, minimizing the conflict between people and lions and keeping the peace across Ngorongoro.

If you have ever visited the incredible Ngorongoro, experienced its cultures and its lions,
if you understand the importance of ensuring lasting coexistence between people and wildlife, and
if you are simply passionate about lions,
then supporting KopeLion is the perfect opportunity for you to give back.

All donations will be matched up to the 31st December 2021.
Give back here

Thank you.
With the warmest wishes for the New Year from us all.
The KopeLion Team

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Kope Lion

Kope Lion

KopeLion Inc. (short for Korongoro People’s Lion Initiative) is a non-profit NGO registered in USA and in Tanzania. Our mission is to foster human-lion coexistence through participatory research and sustainable community-based conservation.

4 days ago

Kope Lion
One big male lion was spotted by Silo and Balasi, KopeLion's Barabaig Ilchokuti, who work in the area between Lake Eyasi and the highlands of Ngorongoro. While lions are rarely seen in this area of deep valleys and escarpments, their skills in tracking enable us to better understand the movements of lions across the Ngorongoro landscapes.#humanwildlifecoexistence #communityconservation #coexistence #livingwithlions #CreatingConversations #lionconservation #ngorongorolions #corridortoftolerance #ngorongoro #ngorongoroconservationarea #kopelion #ngorongorocrater ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Kope Lion
With 11 new cubs born to the Twin Hill pride in Ndutu and the dry season approaching, Roimen and Dr. Wambura set out to replace the collar on one of the prominent pride sisters. Her collar had been failing, and while we managed to track her through the group's handsome male, we needed to ensure her visibility over the next few months to prevent conflicts with pastoralists and their livestock.The surrounding pride remained undisturbed, showcasing Dr. Wambura's expertise at darting and how well the team manages the collaring process.Photos by: Roimen Lelya#humanwildlifecoexistence #communityconservation #coexistence #livingwithlions #CreatingConversations #lionconservation #ngorongorolions #corridortoftolerance #ngorongoro #ngorongoroconservationarea #kopelion #ngorongorocrater ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Kope Lion
We are excited to see the young male lion we collared late last year, along with his coalition buddies, thriving and roaming far and wide like the nomads they are meant to be. This group disappeared into Serengeti National Park for many months, spending time around Naabi Hill during the migration. They have now crossed back into the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and are currently moving between Ndutu and the highlands. Their movements are a testament to KopeLion's 'Corridor of Tolerance', and we hope they will contribute to our ongoing efforts to increase connectivity between the lions in the Ngorongoro Crater and the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem.Photos: Roimen Lelya#humanwildlifecoexistence #communityconservation #coexistence #livingwithlions #CreatingConversations #lionconservation #ngorongorolions #corridortoftolerance #ngorongoro #ngorongoroconservationarea #kopelion #ngorongorocrater ... See MoreSee Less
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